TERA’s prospective report for ComReg on AFL element of USO in Ireland
TERA’s prospective review of AFL element of USO in Ireland.
Prospective review of AFL element of USO in Ireland
TERA has conducted a study for the Irish regulatory authority ComReg (The Commission for Communications Regulation) about the need for Access at Fixed Location (AFL) Universal Service Obligations (USO) in the future in Ireland. TERA has analyzed the demand side and the supply side for fixed telephony in Ireland and has identified scenario to assess what would happen absent any AFL USO on the Irish territory (impact of the absence of Quality of Service obligations, impact of the absence of geographically averaged prices obligation, impact of the absence of affordable prices obligations, etc.). TERA has considered the presence of several alternative network infrastructures in some parts of Ireland, the technological evolutions relevant to AFL, the Irish National Broadband Plan and the distribution of local loop costs in Ireland.
The report written by TERA is available at: