Pierre-Yves Deboudé

Managing Partner

Telecoms ParisTech engineer with a Masters’ 2 in Physics, Pierre-Yves first joined Tera in 1999 and in 2000 became head of Marketing Studies at Firstmark Communications France, a local loop radio operator in France. He then became President of the l’Observatoire Mondial des Systèmes de Communications Electroniques (OMSYC), a consulting company specialised in telecoms. In 2004 OMSYC was purchased by LB Partners, TERA Consultants’ holding company, and Pierre-Yves became the Operating Manager of TERA Consultants and then a Managing Partner.

Pierre-Yves has worked in advisory services and studies for almost 20 years, including strategic missions, market analysis, regulation, competition, litigation and valuation of damages for private and public firms (telecoms, broadcasting, media, energy, etc.).

Switch The Language

    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


    39 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris – France


    +33 (0) 1 55 04 87 10 / +33 (0) 1 53 40 85 15

