Carrying out sector-based regulation implies defining and then applying fair access rules to essential resources as well as providing reasonable tariffs. These points are derived using transparent, non-discrimination criteria and proportionality tests. Defining and applying these rules guarantees competition in regulated markets, and require rigorous economic models.
Since its creation TERA has developed best practices in modelling alongside its academic partners to ensure that these practices are worldwide. Our services include top-down and bottom-up cost modelling, accounting separation of businesses, finding the right allocation for direct and indirect costs, modelling average incremental costs, as well as long term incremental costs, evaluating a sustainable margin (CPMC/WACC, ROCE, RoI), designing bids for tender and auctions, calculating universal service for avoidable costs, as well as defining obligations for services of general economic interest.
TERA assists operators and regulators design or answer public consultations regarding regulatory or statutory issues.