
Press conference “The contribution of creative industries to the EU economy in terms of GDP and employment”

16 October 2014 par dans News, Strategy

The conference, organized by the Forum d’Avignon, presented the study by TERA Consultants.

The Forum d’Avignon and TERA Consultants organized this morning a press conference presenting the exclusive study on the economic contribution of the creative industries to the EU that captures the evolution of creative industries between 2008 and 2011 in terms of employment and GDP.

The study is an update of a first report released in 2010 and backed by BASCAP (The International Chamber of Commerce’s Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy).

The analyse, despite confirming the importance of the creative sector in Europe, which represents 6.8% of EU GDP (€860 billion) and 6.5% of employment in Europe (about 14 million jobs), highlights the unfavorable development of cultural and creative industries in terms of employment and added value to GDP in Europe:

  • With a loss of 400,000 full time equivalent jobs over the period and a stagnation of added value;
  • And particularly the destruction of value in the order of €20 billion and 200,000 jobs in the five large countries that make up the core of the creative economy in Europe: UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain

This study also compares the evolution of the creative sector with the economy in general and the service sector in Europe.

It sheds light on the possible causes of these changes at a time when the new European Commission has made digital technology a priority of its strategy to create growth and jobs in Europe.

Following the conference, several articles were published in the press:

EurActiv: “Piracy, the quiet killer of the EU’s cultural industries

ActuaLitté: “Industries créatives : 400.000 emplois perdus entre 2008 et 2011

AMA: “400.000 emplois créatifs détruits en Europe selon une étude du Forum d’Avignon

Le Huffington Post: “Les industries créatives, solides malgré les crises

JOL Press : “La culture, moteur essentiel pour sortir de la crise

Le journal des arts : “La culture, moteur essentiel pour sortir de la crise


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    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


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