How geopolitics and digitalisation pushed Estonia to build its future
Published in the Journal of Telecom n °193 by Sara Clignet.
Estonia in the leading pack of e-government
Following its independence in 1991, Estonia decided to digitalise many aspects of everyday life. Today, this vision has pushed the country to create e-government services and new revenue streams. In the European Commission’s e-service ranking, Estonia is second behind Finland.
A population connected to more than 98% and for whom the e-government services allow a saving of time of at least a week per year thanks to a unique identification number to access their space and various services. Estonians share several services available in France, including tax reporting, but they have control over who sees the information and can restrict access to information.
Today Estonia exports its services digitization know-how to 130 countries and has developed an e-residence program attracting 54,000 people from 162 countries and 7,000 companies contributing more than 14 million euros to the economy of Estonia.
Read the article written by Sara Clignet in the Journal of Telecom