
Redefining the digital divide

par dans News, Strategy

Redefining the digital divide TERA Consultants was interviewed by the author of a report which proposes a new approach to address the digital divide. The report, commissioned by Huawei, compares the national policies in Australia, France, India, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. According to the report, access to the Internet has increased […]

TERA’s participation in the workshop “Restrictive Practices and competition law” organized by the French Ministry of Finance

par dans Competition, Publications

Laurent Benzoni, Founding Partner of TERA Consultants, co-chaired and gave a presentation at the workshop “Restrictive Practices and competition law“, organized by the French Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud (DGCCRF). The workshop was introduced by Nathalie Homobono (Director General of the DGCCRF), with interventions from Jean-Bertrand Drummen, Member the French Competition Authority and […]

PhD thesis defence on the regulation and competition in the telecommunications sector by a consultant fromTERA

par dans News, Training

Natalia Shutova, economist and consultant at TERA Consultants, successfully defended her doctoral thesis on 24th September, 2013. The thesis was written under the direction of Laurent Benzoni at the École doctorale des sciences économiques at the Panthéon-Assas University. This thesis is part of an investment in intellectual capital by TERA Consultants in order to keep […]

Round table: “4G – Which Strategy for a real take-off? »

par dans News, Strategy

Laurent Benzoni (Partner at TERA Consultants) participated at round table organized by International Items on June 19, 2013. Participants debated on the competition and regulatory issues relevant to the launch of this new mobile technology. The debate lasted for two hours in a very constructive atmosphere. Experts in the telecom sector including Corinne Erhel – Deputy […]

TERA offers training on ‘Services of General Economic Interest and Competition’

par dans News, Training

Training at the General Economic and Financial Council (CGEFI) of the French Ministry of Finance.  As part of the implementation of compliance programs in agencies where the State exercises its economic control, TERA Consultants conducted training for members of the General Council of Economic and Finance (CGEFI) at the French Ministry of Economy and Finance. […]

Training on Net Neutrality and FTTH networks

par dans News, Regulation

Pierre-Yves Deboudé (Associate Director TERA Consultants) gave a two-day training to a network operator in Rabat, Morocco on February 7-8,  2013. The program of the training is given below. Program: Internet Neutrality Interconnecting actors How the discussion started Net neutrality: principles and key events Positions of ARCEP The options for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) Prospects […]

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    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


    39 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris – France


    +33 (0) 1 55 04 87 10 / +33 (0) 1 53 40 85 15