
TERA’s participation at the conference “Private enforcement-Damage assessment in competition?”

par dans Damages, News

Different participations during a lunch time conference within the series “Economics & Competition Law” with Nathalie Dostert (Paris Commercial Court), Lionel Lesur & Laurent Ayache (McDermott Will & Emery) and Laurent Benzoni (Tera Consultants). Click here to read the presentation by Laurent Benzoni (Tera Consultants) Click here to read the presentation by Nathalie Dostert (Paris Commercial Court) Click […]

TERA’s presentation at the general assembly of Public Initiative Networks in Deauville

par dans News, Strategy

On Thursday, March 12, 2015, Denis Basque and Laurent Benzoni (Partners at TERA Consultants) were at the General Assembly of Public Initiative Networks (local infrastructure operators or RIP in French). Laurent Benzoni participated in a roundtable with representatives from ARCEP – the national regulatory authority, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations – the government-backed investor in […]

FIRIP-TERA Consultants meeting

par dans Competition, News

Analysis of the economic impact of the Numericable-SFR merger on RIPs based on the decision of the Competition Authority At TERA Consultants, 39 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris, February 10, 2015, from 8:45 to 12:30 The meeting will be chaired by: Lawrence Benzoni, President of TERA Consultants and Etienne Dugas, President FIRIP Agenda 8:45 Welcome and breakfast […]

Contractual balance: What for?

par dans Damages, News

On November 12, 2014, Laurent Benzoni (Partner at TERA Consultants) co-chaired the workshop “The contractual balance, what for?” at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, organized by the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF). Laurent Benzoni made a presentation on economic issues in the trade balance and the risk of imbalance. […]

TERA in the press in New Zealand: Commerce Commission releases draft Chorus FPP prices

par dans News, Regulation

TERA Consultants was mandated by Commerce Commission, the national regulatory authority in New Zealand, to model the networks of Chorus, the incumbent wholesale operator, in order to determine the costs of unbundling and bitstream services sold by the incumbent. Following the development of the cost models, the Commerce Commission has published a public consultation on […]

Competition and Culture: an economic viewpoint

par dans News, Strategy

The research group in economics of public law at the Grenoble Research Center of Law organized a conference entitled “Culture and Competition: What is the legal framework for public action?” on April 17, 2014. Laurent Benzoni, (Founder of TERA Consultants and Professor at University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas), presented an economist’ viewpoint. His presentation was published […]

Press conference “The contribution of creative industries to the EU economy in terms of GDP and employment”

par dans News, Strategy

The conference, organized by the Forum d’Avignon, presented the study by TERA Consultants. The Forum d’Avignon and TERA Consultants organized this morning a press conference presenting the exclusive study on the economic contribution of the creative industries to the EU that captures the evolution of creative industries between 2008 and 2011 in terms of employment and GDP. […]

TERA’s participation at the DGCCRF workshop: “The French consumer law faced with the European law on unfair commercial practices”

par dans Competition, News

On October 8, 2014, Laurent Benzoni (Partner and Founder of TERA Consultants) co-chaired the workshop organized by the General Directorate for Competition Policy, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The workshop was introduced by Nathalie Homobono (Director General of the DGCCRF), with the participation of Professor Yves Picod, […]

Switch The Language

    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


    39 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris – France


    +33 (0) 1 55 04 87 10 / +33 (0) 1 53 40 85 15