
French Transportation Authority, ART, publishes a decision to drop its lawsuit against French railway companies, SNCF Voyageurs and Fret SNCF, for failing to respect obligations

par dans News, Regulation

In this decision, the French Transportation Regulatory Authority decided that the tariffs put forth by SNCF Voyageurs and Fret SNCF in the revised ORM 2020 and DRM 2020, and which TERA helped draft, met the obligations the Authority had flagged in its January 2020 decision. Read the decision  

TRA Bahrein publishes a policy paper explaining the calculation method for the cost of services rendered by BNet

par dans News, Regulation

TERA drafted a public consultation document for the Bahrein regulator. The document lays out different methods (BU-LRIC and BBM). The regulator reviews the methods in terms of legal, regulatory and competitive contexts. TRA has retained the BU-LRIC method for the next regulatory cycle. TERA also assisted in the analysis of the responses and helped write […]

Mexican Telecommunications regulator, IFT, publishes the service cost model for wholesale access to the local loop and passive infrastructure. Tera developed the model

par dans News, Regulation

TERA updated the cost model used by the Mexican regulator to assess the regulated access tariffs for wholesale access to the local loop and infrastructure for 2021. Following the public consultation held in October 2020, IFT published the finalized version of the model. Download the Cost model

“Regulating wholesale market prices entails less regulation at the retail level”

par dans Competition, News, Regulation

Fratel’s 18th Annual meeting held on December 3, 2020. At the 18th annual FRATEL meeting, and invited by Burkina Faso’s regulatory authority (ARCEP), Laurent Benzoni participated in the round table discussion on: “Regulating wholesale market prices entails less regulation at the retail level.” Link to L. Benzoni’s presentation

par dans News, Regulation

TERA Consultants and partner companies: Setics, Advolis, Bersay&Associés, Partenaires FL, Coda Strategies and RR&A were selected by the “Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations” for a framework contract on electronic communications networks and all associated services (smart cities , mobility, …)

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    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


    39 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris – France


    +33 (0) 1 55 04 87 10 / +33 (0) 1 53 40 85 15