FIRIP-TERA Consultants meeting
Analysis of the economic impact of the Numericable-SFR merger on RIPs based on the decision of the Competition Authority
At TERA Consultants, 39 rue d’Aboukir 75002 Paris, February 10, 2015, from 8:45 to 12:30
The meeting will be chaired by: Lawrence Benzoni, President of TERA Consultants and Etienne Dugas, President FIRIP
8:45 Welcome and breakfast
9:00 Opening by Etienne Dugas and presentation of the meeting by Laurent Benzoni
9:30 / 10:00 Impact on the limits of AMI areas, followed by Q&As
10:00 / 10:30 Impact on the reference wholesale price for RIPs, followed by Q&As
10:30 / 11:00 Break
11:00 / 11:30 Impact on cable access asymmetry and private FTTH networks, followed by Q&As
11:30 / 12:00 The total impact on the price of copper access, followed by Q&As
12:00 / 12:30 General discussion
Presentation by TERA Consultants: Denis Basque Laurent Benzoni, Arthur Cagniot, Pierre-Yves Deboudé
With the participation of David El Fassy, President of Altitude Infrastructure and Jean-Michel Soulier, President of Covage and Pascal Caumont, ADISTA, President of the Committee of local operators at FIRIP
Online registration upon invitation only.